OYS Ensihoito
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Ensihoidon tutkimusjulkaisut
Alle on nostettu esiin tutkimuksia ja väitöksiä vuosilta 2013-2022. Julkaisujen 1) tekijänä on OYS Ensihoidon henkilöstöä, 2) ne on tehty Pohjois-Pohjanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin alueella kerätystä aineistosta tai 3) niissä on käytetty tutkimusaineistona OYS Ensihoidon aineistoja.
- Raatiniemi L, Länkimäki S, Martikainen M. Pre-hospital airway management by non-physicians in Northern Finland — a cross-sectional survey. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2013; 57: 654-9.
- Raatiniemi L, Mikkelsen K, Fredriksen K, Wisborg T. Do prehospital anaesthesiologists reliably predict mortality using the NACA severity score? A retrospective cohort study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2013; 57:1253-9.
- Raatiniemi L, Liisanantti J, Niemi S, Nal H, Ohtonen P, Antikainen H, Martikainen M, Alahuhta S. Short-term outcome and differences between rural and urban trauma patients treated by mobile intensive care units in Northern Finland: a retrospective analysis. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2015; 23:91.
- Raatiniemi L, Steinvik T, Liisanantti J, Ohtonen P, Martikainen M, Alahuhta S, Dehli T, Wisborg T, Bakke H.K. Fatal injuries in northern Finland: a 5-year retrospective study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2016; 60:668-76.
- Raatiniemi L, Liisanantti J, Tommila M, Moilanen S, Ohtonen P, Martikainen M, Voipio V, Reitala J, Iirola T. Evaluating helicopter emergency medical missions: a reliability study of the HEMS benefit and NACA scores. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2017; 61:557-65.
- Liisanantti JH, Kakela R*, Raatiniemi LV*, Ohtonen P, Hietanen S, Ala-Kokko TI. Has the income of the residential area impact on the use of intensive care? Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2017; 61:804-12.
- Koskela L, Raatiniemi L*, Bakke HK*, Ala-Kokko T*, Liisanantti J. Fatal poisonings in Northern Finland: causes, incidence, and rural-urban differences. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2017; 25:90.
- Koskela L, Raatiniemi L*, Bakke HK*, Ala-Kokko T, Liisanantti J. Do pre-hospital poisoning deaths differ from in-hospital deaths? A retrospective analysis. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2017; 25:48.
- Hardy S, Fattah S, Wisborg T, Raatiniemi L, Staff T, Rehn M. Systematic reporting to improve the emergency medical response to major incidents: a pilot study. BMC Emerg Med. 2018 Jan 24;18:4. doi: 10.1186/s12873-018-0153-x.
- Haverinen J, Kangas M, Raatiniemi L, Martikainen M, Reponen J. How to improve communication using technology in emergency medical services? A case study from Finland. FinJeHew 2018; 10:1-15.
- Aitavaara-Anttila M, Liisanantti J, Raatiniemi L, Ohtonen P, Ala-Kokko Tero. Factors related to delayed admission to Intensive care unit from emergency department – a retrospective cohort study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2019; 63:939-946.
- Varjoranta T, Raatiniemi L, Majamaa K, Martikainen M, Liisanantti J. Prehospital and hospital delays for stroke patients treated with thrombolysis; a retrospective study from mixed rural-urban area in Northern Finland. Australas Emerg Care 2019; 22:76-80
- Heino A, Iirola T, Raatiniemi L, Nurmi J, Olkinuora A, Laukkanen-Nevala P, Virkkunen I, Tommila M. The reliability and accuracy of operational system data in a nationwide helicopter emergency medical services mission database. BMC Emergency Medicine 2019; 19:53
- Koskela L, Raatiniemi L, Liisanantti J. How does sosioeconomic status affect the incidence of hospital-treated poisonings? A retrospective study. Eur J Public Health.
- Roivainen P, Hoikka M, Raatiniemi L, Silfvast T, Ala-kokko T, Kääriäinen M. Telephone triage performed by nurses reduces non-urgent ambulance missions: a prospective observational pilot study in Finland Acta Anaesth Scand 2020;
- Aitavaara-Anttila M, Liisanantti J, Ehrola A, Spalding M, Ala-Kokko T, Raatiniemi L. The use of pre-hospital emergency medical services according to income of residental area. Emerg Med J 2020
- Heino A, Laukkanen-Nevala , Raatiniemi L, Tommila M, Nurmi J, Olkinuora A, Virkkunen I, Iirola T Reliability of patient coding and scoring in helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS) missions. BMC Emerg Med 2020.
- Saviluoto A, Björkman J, Olkinuora A, Virkkunen I, Kirves H, Setälä P, Pulkkinen I, Laukkanen-Nevala P, Raatiniemi R, Jäntti H, Nurmi J. The first seven years of nationally organized Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in Finland – the data from quality registry Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2020.
- Laukkanen L, Lahtinen S, Liisanantti J, Kaakinen T, Ehrola A, Raatiniemi L. Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions on ambulance missions. Eur J Public Health. 2021;31:1090-1095.
- Wnent J, Tjelmeland I, Lefering R, Koster RW, Maurer H, Masterson S, Herlitz J, Böttiger BW, Ortiz FR, Perkins GD, Bossaert L, Moertl M, Mols P, Hadžibegović I, Truhlář A, Salo A, Baert V, Nagy E, Cebula G, Raffay V, Trenkler S, Markota A, Strömsöe A, Gräsner JT; national coordinators of EuReCa TWO and local contributors. To ventilate or not to ventilate during bystander CPR – A EuReCa TWO analysis. Resuscitation. 2021;166:101-109.
- Heino A, Raatiniemi L, Iirola T, Meriläinen M, Liisanantti J, Tommila M; Collaboration Group. The development of emergency medical services benefit score: a European Delphi study. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2021;29:151.
- Björkman J, Raatiniemi L, Setälä P, Nurmi J. Shock index as a predictor for short-term mortality in helicopter emergency medical services: A registry study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2021;65:816-823.
- Saviluoto A, Laukkanen-Nevala P, Raatiniemi L, Jäntti H, Nurmi JO. An analysis of prehospital critical care events and management patterns from 97 539 emergency helicopter medical service missions: A retrospective registry-based study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2021;38:644-651.
- Laukkanen L, Lahtinen S*, Raatiniemi L*, Ehrola A, Kaakinen T, Liisanantti J. Emergency department admission and mortality of the non-transported emergency medical service patients: a cohort study from Northern Finland. Emerg Med J. 2021. Epub ahead of print.
- Aitavaara-Anttila MK, Pernu HH, Rumpunen TK, Similä JPO, Liisanantti JH, Kaakinen TI, Erkinaro TM, Raatiniemi LV. Factors associated with time delay to angiography in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction – A retrospective cohort study in Northern Finland. Australas Emerg Care. 2021;12.
- Steinvik T, Raatiniemi L, Mogensen B, Steingrímsdóttir GB, Beer T, Eriksson A, Dehli T, Wisborg T, Bakke HK. Epidemiology of trauma in the subarctic regions of the Nordic countries. BMC Emerg Med. 2022;22:7.
- Björkman J, Setälä P, Pulkkinen I, Raatiniemi L, Nurmi J. Effect of time intervals in critical care provided by helicopter emergency medical services on 30-day survival after trauma. Injury. 2022 Epub ahead of print.
- Nurmi J, Laukkanen-Nevala P, Kirves H, Raatiniemi L, Toivonen T, Tommila M, Piiroinen H, Setälä P, Karhivuori P, Tukia S, Olkinuora A. Cerebral oxygen desaturation events during and functional outcomes after prehospital anaesthesia: A prospective pilot study. Acta Anaesthesiol, Scand 2022; 26.
- Tommila M, Pappinen J, Raatiniemi L, Saviluoto A, Toivonen T, Björkman J, Nurmi J. Standardised data collection in prehospital critical care: a comparison of medical problem categories and discharge diagnoses. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2022; 30:26.
- Ervasti M, Hautala M, Pikkarainen M, Reponen J, Tuukkanen J, Daavittila I, Raatiniemi L, Martikainen M, Korpelainen J. Tuhansia turhia kuljetuksia? Uudet teknologiaratkaisut ja toimintatavat ensihoitoon ja päivystykseen. Suom Lääkäril 2019; 74: 1584 – 87.
- Mannerkorpi P, Raatiniemi L, Kaikkonen K, Kaakinen T. A long prehospital resuscitation and evacuation of a skier with cardiac arrest – a case report. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2020.
- Kauppila JH, Raatiniemi L, Isokangas J-M, Martikainen M, Piironen K. Aivoinfarktin liuotushoito terveyskeskuspäivystyksessä – mahdollisuus syrjäseudulla sairastuneelle. Duodecim 2017; 133:167-71.
- Raatiniemi L, Magnusson V, Hyldmo PK, Dahl Friesgaard K, Kongstad P, Kurola J, Larsen R, Rehn M, Rognås L, Sandberg M, Vist GE. Femoral nerve blocks for the treatment of acute prehospital pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Acta Anaesth Scand 2020.
- Friesgaard KD, Vist GE, Hyldmo PK, Raatiniemi L, Kurola J, Larsen R, Kongstad P, Magnusson V, Sandberg M, Rehn M, Rognås L. Opioids for Treatment of Pre-hospital Acute Pain: A Systematic Review. Pain Ther. 2022;11:17-36.
- Raatiniemi L, Brattebo G. The challenge of ambulance missions to patients not in need of emergency medical care. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2018; 62:584-7.
- Raatiniemi L, Martikainen M, Jama T, Alahuhta S. Mitä voimme oppia suuronnettomuusharjoituksista? Duodecim 2016; 132: 115-6.
- Raatiniemi L, Neuvonen N, Martikainen M. Hätätilapotilaan siirrot päivystyksestä yliopistosairaalaan – improvisoituja hätäratkaisuja vai tarkasti suunniteltua erikoissairaanhoitoa? Duodecim 2019; 135:1009-10.
- Raatiniemi L, Koskela J-P. Ensihoitoa Pohjois-Suomessa. Finnanest 2017; 50: 413-5.
- Jokela J, Viinamäki J, Fattah S, Wisborg T, Rehn M, Engblom J, Raatiniemi L. Inter-rater reliability of a global major incident reporting template – a pilot study. Laurea Journal 12.10.2018. Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Vantaa. https://journal.laurea.fi/inter-rater-reliability-of-a-global-major-incident-reporting-template-a-pilot-study/
- Raatiniemi L. ECMO ja REBOA ensihoidossa – matkakertomus. Finnanest 2019; 52; 76-79.
- Hautala M, Ervasti M, Pikkarainen M, Reponen J, Daavittila I, Raatiniemi L, Martikainen M, Tuukkanen, J, Korpelainen, J. Future connected health technology opportunities in non-urgent emergency care actions. FinJeHew 2019; 11:139-149.
- Sandberg M, Hyldmo PK, Kongstad P, Dahl Friesgaard K, Raatiniemi L, Larsen R, Magnusson V, Rognås L, Kurola J, Rehn M, Vist GE. Ketamine for the treatment of prehospital acute pain: a systematic review of benefit and harm. BMJ Open. 2020: 24;10.
- Pekanoja S, Hoikka M, Kyngäs H, Elo S. Non-transportation emergency medical service missions – a study based on medical charts and patient questionnaires. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2018; 62(5), 701-708.
- Bredmose P, Diczbalis M, Butterfield E, Habik K, Pearce A, Osbakk S, Voipio V, Rudolph M, Maddock A, O’neill J. Decision support tool and suggestions for the development of guidelines for the helicopter transports of patients with COVID-19. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 28, 43 (2020)