OYS Tehohoitokeskus
Jämsä L. Flow cytometric analysis of leukocyte surface molecule expression in critical illness. Comparison between septic and non-septic patients. 2017. D1417
Kyösti E. Long-term outcome, quality of life, and socio-economic consequences of surviving pediatric intesive care. 2019. D1537
Lahtinen S. Complications, quality of life, and outcome after free flap surgery for cancer of head and neck. 2019. D1501
Pohjola M. Thromboelastography for coagulation moniroting in obesity and cytoreductive surgery. 2020. D1583
Jaurila H. Tissue repair and metabolic dysfunction in sepsis. 2021. D1604
Kristo Erikson. The brain as an end organ in sepsis. 2022. D1663
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