

National Assessment Network

FinCCHTA is the coordinator of the National Assessment Network tasked with

  • investigating the assessment needs of hospitals
  • coordinating decision-making and procurement in hospitals
  • generating assessment data to support health policy and clinical decision-making.

The core group of the network is made up of the chief assessment physicians of the university hospitals along with other officers responsible for assessment operations within the wellbeing services counties.

The core group of the network

  • M.D. Sami Pakarinen, HUCH (
  • M.D. Teuvo Antikainen, KSSHP (
  • Docent Kati Kinnunen, KUH (
  • Docent Johanna Liinamaa, OYS/FinCCHTA​ (
  • Docent Anna-Kaisa Parkkila, TAYS (
  • Docent  Niina Koivuviita, TYKS (
  • M.D.  Minna Marttila-Vaara, TYKS (
  • Neurologist Minna Linna, , EKHVA (

In cooperation