Kansallinen HTA-koordinaatioyksikkö FinCCHTA
PL 10, 90029 OYS
Suvanto Care Safety Service
Information about the product
The Suvanto Care Safety Service is a digital platform solution that produces real-time information and automatic alerts on the well-being of elderly people living at home for carers and close relatives. The service also provides a communication channel between family members and professionals.
A professional can view real-time information on their web browser or with an application that is part of the service. Family members can view the data with the mobile application. The platform solution can be connected to a mobile security phone connected to a location service, videoconferencing connection and medication reminder, as well as various sensors and remote measuring devices. The service can be scaled up with different sensors and smart locks, for example. This assessment focuses solely on the platform solution of the Suvanto Care service.
Separate equipment connected to the service is CE marked. They are not part of this assessment.
The service is provided as Suvanto Care service and Elisa Digihoiva service, and it is implemented by Suvanto Care Oy.
Additional information
- Swedish
- Finnish
- Personal Health Record
Conclusion 8.1.2022
The product meets the assessment criteria partially
The Suvanto Care Safety Service is suitable for monitoring and ensuring the safety of a customer living at home. It enables the construction of a unique set of devices and the use of remote services. The service is suitable for assessing service needs and developing a home care service package. Research-based evidence of the effectiveness of the product on the customer’s wellbeing is still scarce. There is sufficient research-based evidence on the economic benefits of the service.
The assessment is based on the information provided by the company.