Kansallinen HTA-koordinaatioyksikkö FinCCHTA
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Smila Care Service

Valid to: 11.2025

Information about the product

The Smila Care Service is a service brought to the home or care unit in order to improve the implementation of pharmacotherapy in home care. The service includes Smila Medication Dispenser intended for home care and a web-based service intended for professionals. The Smila Medication Dispenser supports the mechanical dosage dispensing. It also includes a voice and video connection between the home care client and the professional for communication.

Additional information

  • Finnish
  • Swedish
  • English
  • Other: Danish
  • CE-marked
  • Medical Device, level I MDR
Quality control
  • Other
Manufacturing/Distribution in Finland
JDM Innovation GmbH /Tamro Oyj

Conclusion 2.11.2022

The product meets the assessment criteria mainly

The Smila Care Service is suitable for carrying out the pharmacotherapy of a client living at home and for maintaining contact between the client and a home care professional. The use of a medication dispenser requires a professional assessment of the client’s suitability as a user of the dispenser as well as adequate guidance for the use of the device.

Conclusion is based on manufacturer data.

Assessment fields

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