Kansallinen HTA-koordinaatioyksikkö FinCCHTA
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MoodPilot® Digital Diary

Valid to: 05.2027

Information about the product

MoodPilot® is a digital tool designed to support communication between healthcare and social welfare clients and professionals. The application enables and supports the identification, naming, and monitoring of daily events and emotional states. The product includes a MoodPilot PWA (progressive web application) for professionals and a MoodPilot PWA for clients. In addition, the company offers native Android and iOS reminder applications for smartphones and tablets.  

The manufacturer has classified the product as a non-medical device and therefore it should not be used for the intended purposes of medical devices. 

Additional information

  • Finnish
  • Swedish
  • English
  • Other: German
Quality control
  • Other
Manufacturing/Distribution in Finland
Hämeen Spes Oy​

Conclusion 23.5.2024

The product meets the assessment criteria partially

MoodPilot® is a digital tool that can be used to support work in the wellbeing, disability, social services, and healthcare fields, as well as student welfare. More evidence of its effectiveness is still needed. 

Conclusion is based on manufacturer data.

Assessment fields

Printable format