Kansallinen HTA-koordinaatioyksikkö FinCCHTA
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Monidor solution for the implementation of intravenous fluid therapy

Valid to: 06.2025

Information about the product

The Monidor solution consists of a Monidrop® W infusion meter and an IV ScreenTM remote monitoring application. The Monidrop® W infusion meter helps the nurse to set the rate of IV drip more easily and accurately than the traditional way. With the IV ScreenTM remote monitoring application, the treatment can be checked remotely.

Additional information

  • Finnish
  • Swedish
  • English
  • CE-marked
  • Medical Device, level I MDD
Quality control
  • ISO 13485
  • Other
Manufacturing/Distribution in Finland
Monidor Oy

Conclusion 9.6.2022

The product meets the assessment criteria mainly

The product is suitable for monitoring the implementation of intravenous fluid therapy and enables its remote monitoring. The product facilitates the work of nursing staff and its use can prevent complications of intravenous fluid therapy.

The assessment is based on the information provided by the company.

Assessment fields

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