Labour and Delivery

The Oulu University Hospital takes care of childbirths on every day of the week, at any time of the day. When coming to give birth, you do not need to call in advance.
The birth of a child is a marvellous and gentle event. All mothers are met individually and by considering every mother’s wishes. Giving birth at OYS is safe with the help of professionally skilled and trained staff.
Usually mothers come to the OYS Maternity Ward Reception if contractions have begun, their water has broken, or bloody discharge has occurred. Some mothers also arrive by appointment due to their pregnancy going overtime, for a planned caesarean section or induced labour, or for an assessment of the method of labour.
Emergency Clinic for pregnant women
The Maternity Ward Reception also functions as the Emergency Clinic for pregnant women.
When going to the hospital, bring your maternity card with you. Mothers arriving at the reception will be examined in the order of urgency. The mother is interviewed, and external and internal examinations are performed. The patient’s state of health during pregnancy, underlying illnesses, possible medications, the state of contractions and the breaking of amniotic fluid are reviewed. In addition, the baby’s heart sounds and the frequency of contractions are checked using a pulse curve. If necessary, an ultrasound scan will also be conducted.
When confirmed that the labour has started, the midwife will guide the family into the delivery room. If the labour has not started or is still at an early stage, you may be advised to go home. If necessary, the mother can be transferred to the ward for pregnant women to wait for the labour to commence.
You will be treated by a midwife in cooperation with an obstetrician. If necessary, a paediatrician and an anaesthetist will also participate in the treatment. A midwife student or a medical student may also be present during delivery.
Contact information for the OYS Maternity Ward Reception
Visiting Address:
OYS, building A
3rd floor
Kajaanintie 50, 90220 Oulu
There is a separate entrance for laboring women at ground level and from the Kuuraparkki parking garage. Follow the signs for ‘labor’
08 315 3198